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";w.length||(a.$el.find(".recntright").append(y),a.options.animated||"g2"===a.options.postType||a.$el.find(".recntright ul").mCustomScrollbar());(!a.options.AjaxLoad||a.options.animated||a.options.Random)&&a.$el.find(".morepostag.rect").hide();a.options.animated&&(a.$el.find(".recntright.animated ul").jcarousel({easing:"easeInOutQuint",animation:800,auto:4,vertical:!0,rtl:b("#outer-wrapper").hasClass("rtl"),wrap:"last",scroll:2,setupCallback:function(a){a.reload()}, c[e].author[0].uri.$t+'">':'';r='"+(a.options.ShowImage? /** Mr. Seun Fakorede who is the In his promotion letter dated December 16, the Police Service Commission said Mr. Kyari was promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police for his hardwork, discipline and dedication to duty. Johann Burkard stickySidebar:false //JS Cookie You have successfully joined the NigerianEye family, Advertise on NigerianEye.com to reach thousands of our daily users, Latest Nigerian News - Nigerian newspaper, Nigeria news, Nigerian news, Read nigerian news online, Visit NigerianEye, Your Online nigeria newspaper, for nigeria news today, breaking news, check nigeria news online at NigerianEye.com, for summary of nigerian newspapers today, nollywood news today, politics, Sports News and More, Oyo’s youngest commissioner tests positive for COVID-19, Click to signup for FREE news updates, latest information and hottest gists everyday. //";for(var p=ntotal=0;p]*>/g, Nigerian News. Two separate groups are staging protests in front of the Oyo State House of Assembly complex, Agodi Secretariat, Ibadan, The Nation reports. 26-year-old, three other women make Kwara’s first cabinet list • Gov nominates ex-First Bank mortgage chief as new KW-IRS boss Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has forwarded the names of four women to the State House of Assembly as commissioner-nominees, including a 26-year-old Joana Nnazua Kolo from Edu local government area of the state. !1:b(this).find(".widget-content li a").html(),b(this).children("h2").html(""+a[0]+""),b(this).children(".widget-content").html('
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":"");k.html(f);h("#searchnya ol").mCustomScrollbar()}else k.html('×'+a.NotfindText+ He became the youngest state commissioner in Nigeria’s history. Mark Okoye 30 , possesses a unique combination of experience spanning governance, policy formulation, public sector financing, public budget analysis and corporate finance. Husband admits having s.e.x with chickens three ti... Jude Okoye's wife shares hot new photos as she tur... Trump to ban Chinese video app, TikTok in the US. (function(a){a(document).ready(function(){var e=a("#text-finder").children().first(),c=e.next(),d=a(".post-body"),f=a("html, body");e.on("keyup",function(){d.removeHighlight().highlight(this.value);f.scrollTop(0 h2:first").html();c=c.find(".widget > h2:first").html();e=e.find(".widget > h2:first").html();a.$el.find(".navtab .nav-one a").html(d);a.$el.find(".navtab .nav-two a").html(c);a.$el.find(".navtab .nav-three a").html(e)};a.init()};b.organicTabs.defaultOptions={speed:300};b.fn.organicTabs=function(f){return this.each(function(){new b.organicTabs(this,f)})}})(jQuery); slideshowSpeed:5000, Legendary Senegal singer, Balla Sidibe is dead. function menunav(a){function c(){var b=a(window).width();999").removeClass(a.options.loadingClass)}else a.$el.html("No result!").removeClass(a.options.loadingClass)},"jsonp")};a.init()};e.RecentComments.defaultOptions={blogURL:"",numComments:5,characters:100,avatarSize:50,loadingClass:"loadingxx",Showimage:!0,defaultAvatar:"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AEWksK942OE/UFiyLzXJhiI/AAAAAAAAFKE/jBegaGPClxI/s70/user-anonymous-icon.png",MonthNames:Alldefaultconfig.monthName,maxfeeds:40,adminBlog:""};e.fn.RecentComments=function(g){return this.each(function(){new e.RecentComments(this, Meet Asuquo Ekpenyong, Nigeria’s Youngest Commissioner. While a group is opposing the nomination of 27-year- old Oluwaseun Fakorede, the other group is supporting his nomination as a commissioner. // CommentMode by MKR a+'" alt="'+a+'">'+c.previous+""));11':b+('1'));2 ... 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However, the Oyo State House of Assembly confirmed the young Obafemi Awolowo University graduate who will now go on to be the youngest commissioner in Nigeria at Twenty Seven. //Menu Call (!0===a.ShowDate? }; Nigeria's youngest state commissioner, Seun Fakorede announced on Thursday that he has tested positive for Covid-19. MEET NIGERIA’S YOUNGEST COMMISSIONER ASUQUO EKPENYONG. Clean Comments will be swiftly approved. // Copyright (c) 2013 Joel Birch Anambra State Governor, Mr Willie Obiano has received world praises and commendation from Nigerians in home and diaspora for appointing the youngest Commissioner in Modern Nigeria. 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