You can easily create your own, or you can simply install an extension that includes a bunch of new useful snippets. For simplicity, I’ll group them into ten specific categories. All of VS Code's JavaScript features also work with JSX: You can use JSX syntax in both normal *.js files and in *.jsx files. If you aren’t, seriously you should try linting your code — maybe try this extension that does some of the work for you? ESLint. Javascript Snippets extension is showing suggestions in HTML file VSCODE 0 The extension is suggesting Javascript snippets on HTML file. I’m working as a React Native developer so JavaScript centric section will be the biggest one but not the only one! It formats codes that are written in Javascript, JSON, Sass, CSS, and HTML. Bracket Pair Colorizer 2, by CoenraadS. VSCode or Visual Studio Code is the most popular editor for web development in 2020. This extension is installed by default on all VS Code versions after 1.46.0, however it's not enabled. Every month, people from around the world build open-source extensions to help with the VSCode experience. However, you may find these may not be enough. Tip: The extensions shown above are dynamically queried. It has over 5.7 million installs to date. Paste as JSON, by quicktype. JavaScript (ES6 Code Snippets) A collection of JavaScript snippets with about 33k+ installs to date. With over 550k+ installs to date, this extension provides syntax highlighting for ES201x JavaScript, React, FlowType and GraphQL code. Skip to content. With 52k+ installs, this extension allows you to quickly open an npm package documentation right inside the VS Code editor as a separate tab. Click on an extension tile above to read the description and reviews to decide which extension is best for you. This provides IntelliSense, commands and debugging features for React Native projects. Marketplace - ESLint. For most projects, you’ll need a suitable framework to structure your code and cut down your development time. Next, learn how to take advantage of Visual Studio Code to supercharge your development workflow with our Visual Studio Code power user’s guide. Prettier Code Formatter, by Esben Petersen. This has snippets for Angular 2, 4, 5, 6,7 and 8 Beta. React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7, by EQuimper. It basically integrates … It comes with excellent documentation, and has over 641k installs. 5 VSCode Extensions All JavaScript Developers Should Be Using. The new, upcoming JavaScript debugger for VS Code. Protractor Snippets, by Budi Irawan. This extension helps you run tests directly on the code and shows errors as decorators. StandardJS – JavaScript Standard Style, by Sam Chen. There are lots of code snippets that we used on a daily basis and this extension helps you by not writing that repetitive code again and again. I love learning new technologies that bring efficiencies and increased productivity to my workflow. It comes with proper documentation published on GitBook. It has 371k+ install to date. For this article, I’ll focus on VS Code extensions specifically targeting JavaScript developers. Downloads: 198,807. 5 VSCode Extensions All JavaScript Developers Should Be Using. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is undoubtedly the most popular, lightweight code editor today. Cordova Tools, by Microsoft. Atom JavaScript Snippet made by Saran Tanpituckpong. 1: Javascript (ES6) Code Snippets. It can trigger an automatic test build whenever sources are updated. Docs » Extensions » Samples; VS Code Extension Examples Extension Basics. JSHint, by Dirk Baeumer. VS Code extensions support two main languages: JavaScript and TypeScript. I like the performance better, for one, but I also think that VS Code’s marketplace is just as good as Atom’s marketplace. Prettier. An awesome debugging tool that provides a rapid prototyping playground for JavaScript code. This process can quickly get tedious. Testing is a critical part of software development, especially for projects that are in production phase. It will … I know it’s a bit of a personal preference and that VS Code has a handful of decent themes out of the box, but I think you should give it a try. 7,00,000 downloads per month. For more specialized code formatting styles, try installing one of the JavaScript formatting extensions from the Marketplace. On line 2 we get the activeTextEditor from the vscode object (which is required in at the top of the file). This one has NPM IntelliSense, ESLint, Debugger for Chrome, Code Metrics, Docker and Import Cost. JSX and auto closing tags. An awesome debugging tool that provides a rapid prototyping playground for JavaScript code. Live Server provides you with an easy way to serve static and dynamic pages from VS Code, while it also supports live reloading. Before I was using Visual Studio and I was looking for lighter editor. If your code uses spreadsheets, this handy extension will let you view Excel spreadsheets and CSV files within Visual Studio Code workspaces. If you are using ESLint in your projects already, grab the extension and let it work its magic. VS Code doesn’t have a built-in JavaScript linter, so you’ll need to install an extension. This provides support for testing using the Mocha library. It provides Angular snippets for TypeScript, RxJS, HTML and Docker files. Here are a few VS Code extensions that will help you work with managing and working with npm packages more easily. We can browse and search extensions for VSCode on Visual Studio marketplace website or from within the editor. Create new account Log in. Visual Studio Code provides IntelliSense, debugging, and powerful editor features for JavaScript. However, we still have a few syntax highlighting extensions that are quite useful when it comes to certain types of projects and file extensions. Write powerful, clean and maintainable JavaScript.RRP $11.95. Linters are used to compare the code through choosing a popular style or as a configuration file for rule customization. It can be configured to allow semicolons, and has 36k+ installs to date. Support for a library or framework comes in various ways, which mainly includes snippets, syntax highlighting, Emmet and IntelliSense features for that specific technology. With 730k+ installs, this extension highlights matching brackets with different colors, helping you identify which bracket belongs to which block. Get practical advice to start your career in programming! The flexibility with the extension using is tremendous. With over 8 million installs, this is the most popular extension providing support for the ESLint library. … I’m just putting this next bunch of VS Code extensions into the “awesome” category, because that best describes them! By default, the node_modules folder is excluded from VS Code’s built-in search. With over 833k installs to date, this extension supports syntax highlighting for environment settings — that is, .env files. 5. Built for PHP projects, it’s still useful for testing JavaScript code that needs to run client-side only. It’s never been easier to write JavaScript code this efficiently. 3. Unfortunately, this extension hasn’t been updated in the last three years at the time of writing. Category: formatter. VS Code has support for most major frameworks through extensions. Without further ado, let’s explore the some of the best VSCode extensions for JavaScript developers: Prettier It has about 75k installs to date. Jasmine Code Snippets, by Charalampos Karypidis. The power of VS Code no doubt comes from the marketplace. Of course you can also directly edit extensions sections in the … Extensions to your IDE are invaluable to speed up your work without reducing the quality of your output. Node exec, by Miramac. The new, upcoming JavaScript debugger for VS Code. JavaScript snippets ported from the atom/language-javascript extension. Recommended Extensions. It supports npm, vscode, ant, gradle, grunt, gulp, batch, bash, make, python, perl, powershell, ruby, and nsis. Open the extensions view (ctrl+shift+x) and search for @builtin @id:ms-vscode.js-debug Right click on the JavaScript Debugger extension and Disable it. You can now test the experience and if you are happy with it share this new experience with your team by pushing the change to your remote Git repository.Here’s a small screencast: Once you have uploaded an extension, the .gitpod.yml is updated automatically. Originally forked from Atom StandardJS snippets. It has over 156k installs to date. Please note extensions such as Prettier and Beautify can’t both be active simultaneously. If you are working on any repository with more than one contributor, this is something you should probably have. It has 272k+ installs to date. Extensions such as ESLint help you avoid common mistakes, while others such as Debugger for Chrome help you debug your code more easily. I hope this list has been introduced you to new VS Code extensions that can help you in your workflow. In this article, I’ll focus on a list of must-have VS Code extensions for JavaScript developers. Here are some of the better ones: Nodejs Extension Pack, by Wade Anderson. It has 30k+ installs to date. It is where you publish, document and organize all your reusable components. This provides command support and IntelliSense for Ember. Essentially, these are collections of related VS Code extensions bundled into one package for easy installation. If you chose to write your extension in JavaScript then you will have a file called extension.jswhich looks like this when you first open it: If you are writing your file in TypeScript then it will look different but the logic is going to be the same for both. Node TDD, by Prashant Tiwari. It supports ES201x, React and JSX syntax highlighting, which I guess is something most people working with any kind of modern web application would like to have. I write clean, readable and modular code. Angular Snippets (Version 9), by John Papa. When you first install VS Code, it comes with a several built-in snippets for JavaScript and Typescript. It has 120k+ installs to date. This provides over 130 jQuery code snippets. Path Intellisense. … The VSCode extension integrates the tool with your editor so that you can be warned about potential problems on the fly. It comes with excellent documentation, and has over 641k installs. Visual Studio Code uses the TypeScript language service … ... is not a VSCode extension but a very powerful tool every frontend developer should know. Rest Client, by Huachao Mao. You’ll need to install standard or semiStandard as a dev dependency in your project. Unless you’re writing a console program in JavaScript, you’ll most likely be executing your JavaScript code inside a browser. All base snippets you can find there . I use VSCode full-time since 2016. Largely inspired by WebStorm, it has 74k+ installs to date. With 55k+ installs, this extension allows you to quickly view a Node package source and documentation while you’re working with your code. Every JavaScript project needs to at least one npm package, unless you’re someone who likes doing things the hard way. One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Create your free account to unlock your custom reading experience. This offers support for Cordova plugins and the Ionic framework, and also provides IntelliSense, debugging and other support features for Cordova-based projects. I've spent over a thousand hours perfecting my setup to help you switch today and bring all your custom settings and the power user workflows for HTML/CSS, GitHub/Git & Open Source, supercharged Markdown, and everything from JavaScript to PHP, Go, Python, C++, C#, ROR & … It has 140k+ installs to date. ... (located under the workspace's .vscode folder). To make your development quicker and life easier, install a number of the Visual Studio Extensions that square measure outlined below and create your development a lot of and a lot of power tools than the alternative. PG Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning , Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis, Learn how to gain API performance visibility today, Copying text to clipboard with JavaScript. It’s activated by the prefix jq, and has 700k+ installs to date. Live Share. This extension debugs Node.js and web applications (in Edge and Chrome), and will eventually become the built-in debugger for VS Code. It’s now the second most popular formatter, with 4.4 million installs to date. Beautify, by HookyQR. Do note that this extension has a number of unresolved issues at the time of writing. JavaScript Debugger - Visual Studio Marketplace. It has over 1.2 million installs to date. It has 834k+ installs to date. You define your rules by picking a popular coding style such as Standard, Google, and Airbnb. It displays the size of the focused file in the status bar of the editor. Users prefer it to other code editors because of the better performance and durability it provides. Access Javascript base snippets To access base snippets for Javascript just type keyword base and you will see the list of available snippets such as import, export, loops, functions etc. Gitpod will automatically install and activate the new extension, and add an entry to the .gitpod.yml file. 2. First I want to mention about eslint which really really helps to write better code. Supported languages (file extensions) JavaScript (.js) JavaScript React (.jsx) TypeScript (.ts) TypeScript React (.tsx) Snippets info. It’s an opinionated code … How do you do this? This is the most popular extension that supports formatting of JavaScript, TypeScript and CSS using Prettier. Top 10 Extensions for ReactJs in VSCode are: The Bracket Pair Colorizer extension. It features several coding actions such as converting var to const or let, removing redundant else statements, and merging declaration and initialization. It does borrow heavily from other popular code editors, mostly Sublime Text and Atom. However, I would recommend you install just one for simplicity’s sake. Docs » Languages » Javascript; JavaScript Rich Editing Support. More often than not, we sometimes write code that’s out of alignment with the rest of the code. This provides web server and live preview of HTML. With 1.2M+ installs, this extension supports linting with the JSHint library. It has over 293K installs. Snippets help you write repetitive code quickly. Here are the extensions we have available: ESLint, by Dirk Baeumer. I’m just putting this next bunch of VS Code extensions into the “awesome” category, because that best describes them! Node Readme, by bengreenier. Let's take a closer look at this function. VSCode Extensions. Master complex transitions, transformations and animations in CSS! jQuery Code Snippets, by Don Jayamanne. Every programmer you’ll ever meet will have a slightly different opinion about what code editor is the best and what configuration is the most productive. VS Code also includes JSX-specific features such as autoclosing of JSX tags: Blame, code authorship, activity heatmaps, recent changes and history are only some of the features it provides. It can be customized via a .jsbeautifyrc file. I use VSCode full-time since 2016. I'm searching for some well maintained VSCode extensions that are well tested. This allows you to quickly convert JSON data into JavaScript code, and has over 430k installs to date. Bracket Pair Colorizer and Indent Rainbow . You’ll realize that people have strong opinions about which coding style to use. Top JavaScript VSCode Extensions for Faster Development Quokka.js. Instead of doing this manually all the time, here are a few tools that can significantly reduce the development time of your iteration process: Preview on Web Server, by YuichiNukiyama. To fix this, we need to go back and fix the indentation in each line. Quokka.js is a rapid prototyping playground for JavaScript and TypeScript. After installation, all ember cli commands are available through VS Code’s own command list. ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets, by dsznajder. Supporting; Errors; Faq; Requirements vscode. Prettier doesn’t need much of an introduction. This snippet extension supports Node.js, BDD Testing frameworks such as Mocha and Jasmine. JavaScript Booster, by Stephan Burguchev. It is also useful for enforcing specific coding conventions within a project or team. This provides support for test-driven development for Node and JavaScript projects. JavaScript standardjs styled snippets, by capaj. The Very first step of Building a VS Code Extension. This is currently the most popular javaScript snippet extension with over 3+ million installs to date. The latest version of VS Code supports better syntax colorization and is now more in line with the standards set in Atom grammar. I would like to share with you my extensions that I have currently installed. It’s a real jewel when you want to collaboratively edit and debug a project or a file with … You’ll need to install jslint locally or globally for the extension to work. No need to mention that JavaScript is the core of web development. After 10 years with Sublime Text, I switched to VSCode — the new open source cross-platform editor everyone's talking about. Every space inside { } and ( ) means that this is pushed into next line :) $ represent each step after tab. View Node Package by Dominik Kundel. It provides JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, … Nevertheless, everyone on the same team needs to use the same coding style regardless of their opinion. The features can be called from a context menu or editor menu. Format Document. Node.js extensions, with their IntelliSense features, help you import modules correctly, and the availability of tools such as Live Server and REST client reduces your reliance on external tools to complete your work. One Dark Pro brings Atom’s iconic One Dark theme to VS Code. This extension provides linting with the JSLint library. You can use them as is or use a configuration file to customize the rules. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. I personally think this is one of the most polished and less straining themes I’ve used in a while so, naturally, I installed it as soon as I migrated to VS Code from Atom. A quick tip if you want snippets to show on top of suggestions is to use this configuration: Here are some of the most popular snippet extensions for JavaScript developers. Many of us have spent countless hours trying out different extensions for our code editor of choice, configuring settings, switching back and forth between code editors and trying to get the development environment just right for us. In case you don’t have it yet, I will just put the download link here. Tip: The extensions shown above are dynamically queried. Instead of using a browser or a CURL program to test your REST API endpoints, you can install this tool to interactively run HTTP requests right inside the editor. This pack contains a number of VS Code extensions for Ionic, Angular, RxJS, Cordova and HTML development. If you’d like an overview of available linters and their pros and cons, check out our comparison of JavaScript linting tools. I will install 5 great extensions for better JavaScript development, feel free to add them also. Here are some popular VS Code extensions for testing. PHP Server, by brapifra. Color Picker. Contains a huge collection of handy snippets and supports JavaScript, TypeScript and React. Atom JavaScript Snippet, by Saran Tanpituckpong. Babel JavaScript feels like something that should have been there in the first place when you install VS Code. It has 109k+ installs to date. Prettier – Code formatter. It has over 103k installs to date. But finally, I am sticking with vscode for more than 1year. Prettier doesn’t need much of an introduction. With about 26k+ installs to date, the snippets in this extension were ported from atom/language-javascript. This extension formats our code according to some rules, so we … Whenever I type id inside a HTML tag, it suggests imd which expands to import from module. In addition, it also provides much-needed features like IntelliSense, which were only available in full-sized IDEs like Eclipse or Visual Studio 2017. Click on an extension tile above to read the description and … It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. It has 23k+ installs to date. If you are just getting started, here are the extensions we recommend trying out. It currently contains about 12 VS Code extensions, some of which haven’t been mentioned here, such as auto-rename-tag and auto-close-tag. FILESIZE. This provides snippets in ES6/ES7 syntax for React, React Native, Redux and storybook in ES6/ES7 syntax. 1. This extension lets you easily manage system tasks in your VS Code. This extension is installed by default on all VS Code versions after 1.46.0, however it's not enabled. Mocha sidebar, by maty. REST client might be one of the best extensions I have used in a while, as it allows you to send HTTP requests and view the responses directly in VS Code. This provides Mocha snippets in ES6 syntax. JavaScript Snippets, by Nathan Chapman. This extension provides ES6 syntax for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, React and Vue. Another StandardJS Styled snippets but this one is more popular with over 72k installs. It has 234k+ installs to date. If you want to make your code look a bit better, impress a colleague or just make those comparison operators easier on the eyes, this is definitely worth checking out. Now that we’ve come to our final category, I would just like to let you know that the VS Code marketplace has a category for extension packs. 16 VSCode extensions for better Javascript coding. Lokender Singh. The extension is This Extension. A jsBeautifier extension that supports JavaScript, JSON, CSS and HTML. Learn more about the extension uses from VS code’s official website. You can also cancel a running process by pressing F9. This means you’ll need to frequently refresh the page to see the effect of each code update you make. This extension gives you pretty, cute icons for your file and folder. I’m working as a React Native developer so JavaScript centric section will be the biggest one but not the only one! JavaScript (ES6) code snippets in StandardJS style, Angular 8 Snippets – TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, ngRx, RxJS and Flex Layout, ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets, React-Native/React/Redux snippets for es6/es7, JavaScript Testing: Unit vs Functional vs Integration Tests. JavaScript in VS Code. ES6 Mocha Snippets, by Cory Noonan. With more than 26,000 installs, the snippets were ported from atom/language-JavaScript extension. ESLint. Ember, by Felix Rieseberg. 41. React Native Tools, by Microsoft. You can get a broad overview of testing in JavaScript and read more about the different kinds of tests you can run in our guide, “JavaScript Testing: Unit vs Functional vs Integration Tests”. To get started, you have to have VS Code installed. With 1.9M+ installs, this extension provides autocompleting npm modules in import statements. The color picker extension helps you to easily select colors within your CSS files. Luckily, we have extensions that can do the work for us. Linter Extensions. No configuration file is required. Fira Code is one of the best programming fonts with ligatures that can help you scan code a lot faster once you get used to it. With over 470k installs, this extension allows you to quickly navigate and open files in node_modules by traversing the folder tree. Snippet extensions are one of the most popular categories of extensions, and this one follows suit. I’ve been an Atom fan for a couple of years, but I switched to VS Code last year and it felt strangely good. Installing extensions is a matter of dragging and dropping a *.vsix file into the extension view. To enforce the rules, we need to use linters that compare your code with the rules you’ve established. This allows you to quickly convert JSON data into JavaScript code, and has over 430k installs to date. ESLint is the most configurable linter for JavaScript. GitLens is one of the most popular VS Code extensions and, in my opinion, one of the most useful. If you are familiar with something like Web Server for Chrome or any of the npm packages that do similar things, you should check this one out. This provides syntax highlighting, snippets, Emmet, linting, formatting, IntelliSense and debugging support for the Vue framework. The extension supports JS, TypeScript, JS React, TS React, HTML, and Vue. In the VSCode Marketplace, code snippets for other flavors, such as Angular, are also readily available. We need to change the activate function to register our extension, notice that "extension.alignVertically" matches up with the entries in the package.json. Thanks to the wonderful open-source community, the editor is now capable of supporting almost every programming language, framework and development technology. If you want to make your code prettier (pun unintended), you should consider installing this handy little extension. Hence, extensions such as JavaScript Atom Grammar are no longer needed. It includes snippets for modern ES6 JavaScript, which is what you should be writing (or learning if you haven't already). It takes a couple of steps more than installing an extension to set it up as your editor’s font, but it’s not hard at all. JSLint, by Andrew Hyndman. Here are some of the VS Code extensions that offer significant functionality. It has 68k+ installs to date. A .jshintrc configuration file is required for the extension to lint your code. With 168k+ installs, this extension allows you to execute the current file or your selected code with Node.js by pressing F8 on your keyboard. Follow. Ionic Extension Pack, by Loiane Groner. This is a collection of Vue and JavaScript extensions. ESLint turns the most popular JavaScript linter into a VS Code extension. Angular 8 Snippets – TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, ngRx, RxJS and Flex Layout, by Mikael Morlund. This extension (259k+ installs) simply integrates JavaScript Standard Style into VS Code. However, there are still a number of established frameworks that don’t have a fully developed extension yet. Functional, ES6 snippets that are short and to the point — what else would I want from a snippet extension anyways? Have you have ever gotten into a debate with your teammates over tabs vs spaces or semicolons vs no semicolons? Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need. Code Metrics, by Kiss Tamás. So having some knowledge of either of these is pretty mandatory. The isBuildCommand switch makes this task the Task: ... snippets, linters, and other JavaScript tools through extensions.