Check whether or not predictions and guesses are confirmed.Â. Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business books. Play / read a short section of a chapter, students guess what’s going to happen. Search Results for extensive reading activities examples. catches out those who didn’t read it. Skim a Text for specific Information.Â, 6. While-reading activities or During-Reading activities are part of the three main stages that a reading lesson has: While-Reading Activities  are defined  as activities  that  help students focus on aspects of the text and to understand it better. It can be compared with intensive reading, which means reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. Identify topic sentences and the main idea of paragraphs. Books which students have chosen deliberately and are enjoying reading are self-evidently within their competence. Learners can take turns giving a spoken report to the class. The ER moodle (– online graded reader assessment individualized to schools, classes and students, Use the tests provided by publishers – often online or in Activity Books. 5- Examples: Skimming and Scanning. Point out features of books, blurbs, glossaries, comprehension sections etc. As they read, they add the add descriptions of the characters, settings and events. Poster reports. Welcome to Write an imaginary day with one of the characters. The readers read in the text, focusing on the new vocabulary, grammatical forms, the purpose of the author and the problems of the text. reading in a second language, the benefits of extensive reading and Louis M. Rosenblatt's aesthetic and efferent reading stances. Ensure the books are easy to identify by level (and genre?). Build reading speed by re-reading a section of the book, then re-reading it again 2-3 times. In ER, when post reading tasks are used, they tend to be short and involve Teacher puts key words on the board and learners try and guess what the story is about. If we look at extensive reading through this lens, then the first thing that will strike us is the way in which extensive reading has parallels in real life activities. Skimming is the ability to locate the main idea within a text, using this reading strategy will help students  to become proficient readers. This type of activity is one that promotes the integration of two more skills since you read the paragraph, you talk to a classmate and you listen to what he or she has to say. Who do they know is similar to them? Ask them what they need to do to read well in English. Ask learners to read a page from different books and then sort them into levels by approximate difficulty. I also discuss what type of activities I believe will enhance The Warm-up and the 3 stages made up what it is known as the Stages of a Reading Lessons. So look for ways to leverage it to promote extensive reading. This a traditional way to assess if students have learned something from the reading however you can make a difference by using online tools to collect those answers. As against, intensive reading is all about textbook reading. Extensive Reading provides opportunities to see … After reading, they share and compare. Used when reading magazines, newspaper articles etc. These are some examples of while-reading activities that you can use in the classroom. What are Examples of  While-Reading Activities? Discuss their beliefs about reading. Some examples of practical extensive reading activities Graded readers provide prompts for classroom activities in ways that many textbooks or undifferentiated material cannot. How different / similar is reading in L1 and L2? Here is an example of how a learner might record a word and related information. SELECTING EXTENSIVE READING MATERIALS designed to enhance thinking and enjoyment and promote further reading. Literal – Who fell off the cliff? Students research something form the book – Christmas, a festival  etc. Say I want to study the great poets. Please Enter answer If learners need structure in their spoken reports, they can use a photocopiable Book Discussion Sheet on page. This activity can easily be developed into a full lesson. Re-write / re-tell part (or all) of the story from a different character’s perspective. Reassign the level as necessary. Coding Text. Skimming to save time Skimming can save you hours of laborious reading. You can use a tool such as Plickers, Google Forms or another tool of choice. Learners write how a book is relevant to their lives, how they identify with the characters, and whether the book taught them anything. To do this they need to record which books they read. Copy a passage from the book focusing on a particular vocabulary or grammatical feature. Students make a poster advertising a book they read. Learners need to review them. You can use while-reading activities which are based on traditional forms of assessment or you can implement some technology if you are good enough integrating it in classes. The last two chapters focus on particular challenges, issues and questions I must resolve before I am able to implement extensive reading into my curriculum. Write an ordered summary of the story in one line sentences. Re-read the book looking for things such as ‘cultural information’; ‘good ideas’; ‘examples of being a good person’, and others. look for a particular reference in a reference list of an article 2. search for specific information that may be somewhere a text This booklet contains two examples. Do you have a sister? Write a letter / email to one of the characters, Write to the publisher / author telling them what you think of the book. Identify the connectors to see how they link ideas within the text. After reading a chapter the teacher makes some true/false questions. Ask them to help build a book display stand, book posters and wall charts – all in English. Students sit in a circle facing the middle. Carrel and Carson’s definition of extensive reading, “generally involves rapid reading of large quantities of materials or longer reading for general understanding, with the focus generally on meaning of what is being read than on the language” (1997: 49), was used as the main guideline for the experiment on reading extensively. Thanks for responding E.g. This familiarizes them with their task for selecting appropriate books. ... a reading strategy used quite a lot when you do extensive reading. With younger students you can have a ‘treasure hunt’ where they look for books with certain titles or covers, or character’s names in books, etc. This section focuses on activities which you can use with learners involved in your Extensive Reading program. If two students read the same book, they can make a bi-lingual vocab test for their partner. Because there is an element of enjoyment in extensive reading it is unlikely that students will undertake extensive reading of a text they do not like. use color coding on the spines. They retell the story as a chain. ‘Buddy reading’. the students may like. Seven books and articles on Extensive Reading: Day, R. and J. Bamford, 1998, Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom, Cambridge University Press. Put many titles on a desk and they discuss which covers are best. Do the exercises at the back of the book (or from downloadable worksheets), They make lists of words / phrases they don’t know as they read, They find examples of alliteration (six swimming seals), metaphor (he has a heart of gold ), and simile (as big as a mountain). Extensive reading involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills. You can check our latest articles in any of these pages: These are some articles that cover the how to teach reading topic, These are some articles that cover the how to teach listening topic, I am José Manuel and I am an English Teacher in Costa Rica who loves English. However, because not all stories are linear (with flashbacks, and two or more things happening at the same time) this task can be challenging for lower level learners. The make a time-line of events – useful for stories with flashbacks, Transfer information from the text to a map, chart or table (useful for non-fiction work). Students prepare a four minute report on a book for homework and give the report in class to a partner. Learners create posters about a book, which are displayed on the walls around the classroom for others to see and ask questions about. They make a role-play of a section from the book taking on their character and tone. Students find key lines from the story and test each other on who said them. Extensive reading. One student starts saying what happened in each illustration or scene with 5 minutes. e.g.  |, How to Register? They write ‘Donated by xxx, date’ inside. Explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction. That is the premise of Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language. Students make ‘genre corner’ displays -.e. . They read and find the answers to their questions. The Importance of Extensive Reading. Compare understanding. What time did John arrive? Intensive reading: "the readers carefully and closely read a short text with the intention of gaining an understanding of as much as detail as possible" (Scrivener, 1994, p.188). Extensive reading belongs in the language classroom. The goal of these activities is to help learners to deal as they would deal with it as if the text was written in their first language. When reading is taught, teachers usually follow a framework to teach a lesson, that framework has three stages; The Pre-reading stage is the first stage followed by the While-Reading stage and the Post-Reading Stage.. The one on page ?? 1. Use their words or ones from the book. Re-tell the story in their own words. Ask them to donate books if they buy them. These may vary from something that’s a few minutes long to several hours long. In non-fiction readers, research the places (people, countries, companies etc) mentioned. The student then gives the same report in three minutes to a different student, and then in two minutes to a third student. Ask students to scout local libraries / publishers’ catalogues and bring back recommendations. Care is taken to avoid activities that may discourage reading. However, the primary focus of intensive reading is to understand the literal meaning of the text being read. is for lower level learners. Predict the story by looking only a chapter headings. Example A teacher reads a short story with learners, but does not set them any tasks except to read and listen. In my lecture, I provided a classroom example where this actually did happen.  All language learners rely on context to decipher the meaning of a word, a reading strategy used quite a lot when you do extensive reading. Put them on the board or wall for them to explain. In fact, Willy Renandya and George Jacobs suggest that in most extensive reading programs, students do usually take part in post-reading activities. The team with the most correct answers wins. Extensive reading involves a reading of novels, journals, newspaper and magazines. It is very useful as a preview to a more detailed reading or when reviewing a selection heavy in content. Enact in front of the class. Third Free graded reader – Short stories by Otakar Batlicka Spoken reports. Day, R. and J. Bamford, 2004, Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language, Cambridge University Press. Have students read the same book with different tasks. Which story is about a ship?). They look at many covers and blurbs and then are tested on what they remember (Which story will probably have a ghost? When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us. For example, maybe they only eat ice-cream while reading. The main idea of a paragraph is the author’s message about the topic. Discuss what would be good gifts, punishments, cars, food  etc for the characters. Ask students to re-tell the story in 4 minutes, then again to another person in 3 minutes and to a 3rd person in 2. However, it is not always the most appropriate way to read. Record how quickly their reading speed develops. If students have read the same book then one student thinks of a character or place, the other guesses using yes/no questions only. Bienvenido a, un sitio para profesores y estudiantes. This is a very basic activity that will make your extensive reading easier and more effective. It can be compared with extensive reading, which involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills. write a short dialog or perform a skit or role-play based on one section of the book. Cut it up and students re-order it. Opinion – Is he doing the right thing? reading in a second language, the benefits of extensive reading and Louis M. Rosenblatt's aesthetic and efferent reading stances. Which book has 5 stories? Two students each have a different story book, of approximately the same level. Write a character review of their strengths and weaknesses, habits, background etc. Remember that every paragraph usually includes a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the paragraph. If you want to use this reading strategy successfully, you need to understand how the reading material is structured as well as have a clear idea about what specific information you have to locate. They could also write a radio drama based on the story. Which book is s love story with Maria and Felix? Analyze the characters based on their actions, words and so on. Ask learners to make a list of vocabulary they expect in that story. This handbook offers more than 100 activities for setting up students’ self-selected reading and weaving it into the language curriculum. I hope that you find what you are looking for. ( Cart Item Ask them to help label the books and put on the book codes, make the book boxes and help with photocopying record sheets. Distinguish between general and specific ideas. Learners can also record their book reports and thoughts in a reading journal. If they find them they check them off. What do they read? Ask learners to sort the books into categories. Inferring. (3,800 words). Ask students to predict the story genre from the cover. Make a questionnaire based on a class reader, Write a report on places in the story (or the life of the author of a classic story), Compare the original story with the graded reader. Have students listen globally first (overall understanding), then re-listen for local (detailed) information. Use the book title or cover to guess about the story. Ask them to summarize the story in exactly 50 words. This can be done as a class or by asking students to familiarize themselves with this vocabulary before they read the book. Build reading speed by re-reading a section of the book, then re-reading it again 2-3 times. Extensive reading is reading for fun, entertainment and pleasure, as well as to gain a basic understanding of something. Are you old? After reading the first chapter of their book, they relate the events to their partner. Use extensive reading skills to improve your general knowledge of business procedures. Make a class quiz about ‘who said what?’ or other aspects of the story. Reading is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. Where’s the best place to read? Students enact a scene relating the same emotion of the characters (for fun, emotional scenes can be done in a different tone – e.g  a romantic moment in an exciting tone, a sad moment in a happy one.). There are also DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INTENSIVE AND EXTENSIVE READING Intensive Extensive Narrower area Larger area Topic is given by the teacher Topic the students enjoy Activity after reading is easier Activity after reading is more complex Students are tasked to find difficult words in the text Discourage overuse of a dictionary 6. Students write a letter to one of the characters in the story. Stewart Gray By Stewart Gray. Finally, I will describe assessment procedures for the Students collect unknown words, expressions, patterns, collocations, idioms and phrases from the story (a piece of paper for each one) and put them in aWord Bank for later study (or in a vocabulary journal). They discuss the differences. Predict when , where it takes lace, the characters etc. 2 students select the same book and exchange impressions. Students assess whether a book at the level they’re reading is higher or lower than the average book at that level. They explain the text to another student. Questions like What do you think of the ending? What Are Some Pre-Reading Activities That You Can Implement in The Classroom? Bring in (or ask students to find) newspaper cuttings, magazine articles, website prints etc. Skimming: quickly looking through text to get an idea of what the text concerns. ! a selection of horror stories with posters, or romances etc. As well as facilitating acquisition of vocabulary, it is believed to increase motivation through positive affective benefits. With the intention of enjoying the text. Generally, teachers tend to ask students to read quickly for a general understanding. Listeners think of 2 questions as they listen, Re-tell the story as if it were a character’s diary, They can make a short poem about the story, or from one character to another (good for romances), They make a map of the places in the story and follow the route. Photocopy the art or chapter titles from the book, they put it in order or use them to re-tell the story using them, Give a list of adjectives describing characters from the book (daring, stubborn), the decide who it is, Predict what happens after the end of the story, or write a synopsis of the sequel. Learners keep a log of the plot as they are reading, for example, by summarizing each chapter in a single sentence after they read it, or keeping a note of the key events as they happen. But if you really want to maximize your time spent on extensive reading, there are a few activities that are super effective. Blank out examples of it and students fill them in. Here are some suggestions for some activities. Beginners can first write a short report and read it aloud. After reading a book, they watch the movie (if available). The last two chapters focus on particular challenges, issues and questions I must resolve before I am able to implement extensive reading into my curriculum. Extensive reading is reading a large number of things in a short period of time. . This is writing practice becoming speaking and listening practice. Lead to personal experience – How do you travel to work? Which book did David Andrews write? DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INTENSIVE AND EXTENSIVE READING Intensive Extensive Narrower area Larger area Topic is given by the teacher Topic the students enjoy Activity after reading is easier Activity after reading is more complex Students are tasked to find difficult words in the text Discourage overuse of a dictionary 6. This is something that can be done when a reading class might starts with one of these pre-reading activities. Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. But of course one can read both extensively and intensively. These activities give teaching suggestions whatever the focus of your class – Examples of Skimming: The Newspaper (quickly to get the general news of the day) Magazines (quickly to discover which articles you would like to read in more detail) Business and Travel Brochures (quickly to get informed) This page features 20 of my favorite short stories with questions.These reading activities are perfect for classroom use. Students pretend to be a character and are interviewed afterwards – especially good with crime stories. Why doesn’t he take the bus? Below is an example. Necessary for contracts, legal documentation, application forms, etc. Who probably feels tired? For example, those that look interesting and those that don’t; those that look difficult or easy, and so on. This is an 'extensive reading approach' and involves students reading long texts or large quantities for general understanding, with the intention of enjoying the texts. Extensive Reading allows the learner to develop an awareness of collocations (common word partnerships) and thousands of lexical phrases. There is no email address associated with this username. Race read your partner to a certain part of the book (make sure they understand it), Read for 10 minutes, then re-read the same section and try to go 20% further, Record your feelings of the book as you read and re-read the same story to see if your feelings are different, Use the CD with graded readers as Extensive Listening (listen 2 levels lower than their reading level). Assess them on how well they write a review / report of the book (or keep a reading notebook). Who said it and why? Listeners should ask as many questions as possible so the reader can’t finish the review. Extensive reading (ER) proponents suggest a teacher need only to ensure a wide selection of reading materials is available so that students can always choose something interesting and level-appropriate; then make sure students read these books with regularity (perhaps fifteen minutes a day), and the result is improvements in every area of language proficiency. Every morning, as I make my way to work on the underground, I see people reading around me. Have a ‘Book Hunt”, Make a quiz with questions they answer by finding the book. English language learners read high-interest, accessible texts that enable them to gain fluency, improve comprehension, build vocabulary and read independently. First student graded it at a key moment and decide if you were her the ending student listens to story! The connectors to see and ask questions about to see ask the which... Selecting appropriate books Donated by xxx, date ’ inside how learners can report a... 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