Grass awns are grass seeds which are sharp, sometimes barbed, and have the capability to burrow into the skin of our dogs. Pet Poisoner #8 -- Lilies (Lilium sp.) According to petMD, "Canines allergic to grass and flora usually develop dermatitis, itchy patches of skin. The easy answer is that frost will not kill grass seed, but that does not mean that you should plant grass seeds when there is danger of frost. Cat Grass for Indoor Cats Kit with Rustic Wood Planter, Certified Organic Seeds, Soil, Water Spray Bottle and Easy to Follow Instructions. Is it harmful to him? If a dog has an awn stuck in its nasal cavity, sneezing is usually among the first symptoms, says Dr. Coates. The evidence: It comes out the other end in the animals’ urine. In situations where this may not be possible, protective vests to cover the chest and abdomen can be purchased for your dog. Repairing the spots with seed can be difficult unless you can keep your dogs off that area for the entire season. . That said, it’s a fixable problem and it’s also pretty easy to prevent happening again or even in the first place. Foxtail Grass Can Kill Your Dogs. Large dogs are also more likely culprits in killing grass, simply because they have a larger bladder and more urine output. Last Updated July 22, 2015. A leashed city dog is far less likely to come across awns, but even the most urban locales still have areas that are overgrown with all types of vegetation. Shown: Common wheat grass awns / Image credit: Smith Veterinary HospitalÂ. Contrary to what you might think, dogs with medium-length coats are actually at highest risk compared to dogs with short-haired or long-haired coats. Over time these types of grasses can still be damaged by dog urine, but the damage will take longer to show up, and the grass will be better able to recover from scorching. Dr Sophie Bell, a veterinary surgeon based in Salisbury, on the dangers of grass seeds to dogs: Grass seeds might be small, but they can pose a real threat to our pets, especially during late spring and summertime. When our canine family members come in contact with fertilizer products, the effects can range from mild to severe. Warning: some of the images included below are graphic, but are important for educational purposes. … It is usually possible to retrieve these seeds with a flexible endoscope but, because of the way they track through tissue, there can be very serious consequences. Because dogs can’t digest grass, they often throw it back up. Dogs eat grass for a variety of reasons. Grass seed, like most things (except wine! I'm trying to figure out if it's any concern. Pretty much any contact a dog has with grass awns is potentially hazardous. He's no threat to pets. No turf grass type is 100 percent resistant to dog damage. But problems come when it’s impossible to spot the grass awn. For working dogs, or for dogs that spend a lot of their time recreating outdoors in tall grass, there are commercially available vests that cover the chest and abdomen, as well as full head coverings. My dogs seem fine right now. How To Use Cornmeal In The Garden. I remember one case of a dog who was lame and had pus draining out of a muscle in his shoulder.” “A course of antibiotics and exploring the drainage tract for foreign material while the dog was anesthetized didn’t work,” said Dr. Coates. Grass seeds can be easily picked up by dogs and can cause serious damage if not treated quickly and properly. If you travel or work with your dog in fields, brush down the coat immediately upon return… Something went wrong. Should you spot the grass awn, make sure to remove it as quickly as you can. However, when the nitrogen becomes more concentrated, it begins to kill the grass. Foxtails. The attack from the grass mite almost always provokes an extreme strong itching, which causes the dog to lick and scratch its skin. Grass Mites in dogs. Winter dog activities you and your furry friend will love. If there’s a real invading disease or parasite, that’s a price the dog is willing to pay. Please try again. Shown: Grass awns illustrated, Bromus madritensis / Image credit: Stanford Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Shown: Common oat grass / Image credit: California’s Coastal Prairies, How to Protect Your Dog from Grass Awn Injury, Stanford Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. All lawn products should be stored properly, where kids and pets can't get into them. It is when they are not quickly removed by the owner, or expelled by the animal, that they become problematic. If you cannot see the bothersome awn, you should have the dog seen by a veterinarian. “Migrating grass awns produce infection and inflammation and disrupt normal body functions,” says Dr. Coates. Signs of the seed. “Eventually, a board-certified veterinary surgeon was able to locate the grass awn and remove it, and a lot of infected and damaged muscle. Now, I hinted earlier that grass eating might be a sign of digestive upset. With Tractive GPS Tracker attached to your dog’s collar, you will know the location of your furry friend anytime, conveniently from your smartphone, even if you’re not around him. Read more at Gardening Know How: Homemade Pet Friendly Weed Killer. According to Scotts, if it is stored in a cool, dry place, the seeds can last up to 2-3 years. Because they flourish during summer, you should inform yourself before letting your dog wander in the countryside at this time of the year. Grass seeds commonly get in between the toes of the dog's foot, referred to as the interdigital space. Published July 20, 2015 by PETA. . “Symptoms depend on the part of the body that is affected. This risk also has quite a bit to do with where you live. Don't Panic if Your Dog Eats Grass. Call 281-431-7441. They’re attached to the tops of long grass stems and can easily brush off onto your dog. A blend has different species of the same grass. Occasionally, dogs running around in long grass will inhale a grass seed into their lungs. Keeping the dog out of high grass is the best prevention. Killing grass and the grass seed the grass constantly drops onto the ground is important if you plan to install a mulched area such as a play area, rock bed or flowerbed. "Dogs may also have symptoms similar to humans but not as severe, such as scratchy throats, watery eyes, and runny noses. The problem with grass awns is that they are difficult to be located. When a dog has to fight with a mite infection, it is quite often the grass mite who is at cause. Don’t expect X-rays to help. Those sharp ends allow the awn to penetrate into and through the skin and tissues of a dog. Pretty much any contact a dog has with grass awns is potentially hazardous. Grass awns burrow into the dog’s skin causing pain to the animal. These mixes often have mulch and fertilizer that are optimal for the type of grass seed. Follow the link to see a case where we remove a head of wheat from a dog’s lung. They usually re-appear from the long grass coughing and uncomfortable. Your dog no doubt brings a lot of fun, energy and playfulness into your life. How Long Can I Keep Grass Seed? Grass awns can be inhaled, become lodged in the ears, swallowed, or even just imbedded in the coat or skin. Grooming your dog immediately after a walk and removing residual grass on his or her coat is good practice. Urine can cause irreparable burn spots that often lead to dead grass… Keep the dogs off of it for a solid month to let the roots get established, then follow our best practices plan for dogs and lawns below. An awn is a hairy, or bristle-like, appendage growing from the ear or flower of barley, rye, and many types of widely growing grasses. In fact, even if dogs do swallow an apple core where the seeds reside AND they’ve chewed the seeds to release the problem chemical then it’s still not enough cyanide to cause a problem. Dog urine killing grass is just another problem us lawn owners can live without. Unfortunately, owners can do only so much to protect their pets from the effects of grass awns. I’ve tried reseeding for 3 springs and it never held up. He also says to be on the lookout for draining tracts (an opening through the skin surface from which the discharge drains), licking, scratching, chewing, or pawing at the site, lethargy, depression, and a decreased appetite. So dogs sometimes eat grass to get rid of toxins in their stomachs. “Dogs tend to ‘lead with their noses’ when they’re exploring, so it’s not too surprising that a sharp seed head from a long piece of grass might get lodged up there.”. Learn all about dog dementia to best care for your furry friend! Depending on the length of time of contact and how the fertilizer poisoning occurred, complications may include oral burns and stomach irritation. In small amounts, nitrogen can actually help the grass to grow – hence, those healthy spots in the beginning. Lungs and Other Organs (inhalation or migration): The dog shows signs of serious sickness, which can result in short breath and vomit episodes. How Do Grass Awns Injure Dogs? Clipping the fur of long haired dogs. According to Dr. Coates, “If you see grass awns in your dog’s coat, remove them as quickly as possible. Picking a bag for grass for high traffic backyards with dogs. When your dog goes for a widdle on your grass, this nitrogen is often left without being watered and therefore turns your grass yellow, and if wee'd on again, will probably kill it off completely. These grasses grow mainly in the Western part of the U.S. Picture a blade of grass with a barbed weapon at its tip. If you plan to re-seed your lawn, you can always use a hardier grass, such as fescues or perennial rye grasses. 29. Dogs can do a lot of damage to your lawn in a very short time -- digging, chewing, running and urinating. They can end up almost anywhere, including the lungs, the spinal cord or brain, and within abdominal organs.”. the dangers of grass seeds to dogs and cats Grass seeds: Seemingly innocent but … Other kinds of grass, such as Ripgut brome and Canada wild rye, also have potentially dangerous awns. If you need help choosing the correct seed for your lawn, read this article: Choosing the Best Grass Seed For My Lawn. … read more You can read our Grass Seed FAQs here to help you find out how and when it is best to sow your Sprogs & Dogs seed. A pair of tweezers will do the job. The first thing that needs to be discovered is the pH of the soil. “Usually, the initial wound heals uneventfully and owners are not even aware that anything has happened, but the awn is now trapped and can start to migrate throughout the body. Foxtail plants are weeds that look like grass and are mostly found in the Western part of the United States. Prevention is the best cure, they say. The Dog Owner's Guide suggests keeping pets off treated grass for 24 hours, as nitrogen can burn the pads of a dog's foot. New Year's is a scary time for a dog! Preventing grass seed illness Despite being notoriously hard to prevent, there are a few steps that you can take in order to prevent your dog being affected by the illness. The male produces a conical structure covered with pollen from the center of the fronds. While part of the purpose of awns is to attach to passing animals and be distributed to other areas, this relationship is by no means symbiotic. Grass seed can be very temperamental, so asking if frost can kill grass seed is a very good question. In this case, X-rays should just be deployed to detect the inflammation. Dogs are carnivores so their occasional habit of chewing grass can seem strange. 4.7 out of 5 stars 60 $26.97 $ 26 . So, a working dog used for tracking or hunting through the countryside might come across awns regularly, but an urban dog that spends a few moments exploring a neglected back alleyway can still be at risk. If you do plan to spray your yard, or you think your neighbors might be spraying, keep your dog indoors. When inspecting your dog in such way double check the toes, the ears, and the shoulders. So, are awns something about which you should always consult your veterinarian? 100% Guaranteed to Grow. Depending on where the grass awn get stuck, contact symptoms can vary accordingly: You cannot fully protect your dog from grass awns contact. When it comes to risks to the health of our dogs, the culprits are literally all around us. You shouldn't be surprised if your dog sometimes eats grass and vomits. Step 5: Water Daily. The grass seed not only causes irritation and infection but it can pierce the ear drum and cause infection inside the ear. Removing grass seeds and treating the affected areas can be extremely tricky and in some cases, a trip to the vet is unavoidable. Well, that can be difficult to answer. Follow the steps outlined in the article and you’ll be in good shape. Cornmeal contains a chemical that acts as a pre-emergent on plant seeds. You can also change the running patterns of your pet by replacing open spaces with shrubbery. It’s very likely that your vet could also have problems detecting the grass awn’s position. Fertilizer is not the only culprit when it comes to poor emergence.